Ju Ming Museum, where the static art becomes dynamic/朱銘美術館-讓靜態的藝術活耀起來

You'll need to take Northern Coastal Highway, which is a part of the Provincial Highway 2, in order to get to Ju-Ming Museum.

Pay close attention to the road signs between the most bustling areas of Shih-men and Jin-shan.

For small passenger cars, you will need to make a turn to go uphill once you see the sign at the 39.7 kilometer stone on Provincial Highway 2; buses will need to make the turn to go uphill at the 34.8 kilometer stone.

The art museum occupies as large as 11 hectares. Sculptor Ju-ming initially wanted to look for a place to store his large creative works.
美術館佔地廣達11公頃,雕刻家朱銘原本只是想找地方,存放大型創作。 e6e49893a988f7700685435c8d6fc541

To his surprise, he ended up establishing the largest outdoor art museum in Taiwan.
沒想到,他最後蓋出一座台灣最大的戶外美術館。 b7553b17cfea803eb3494f3bf919ff96

The park was built on the hills. Situated between 165 and 185 meters above sea level, it allows you to view the Jin-shan sea scenery from a distance.
園區依山而建,高度約在海拔165-185公尺間,園區內可遠眺金山海景。 c6260ceff6cd4a7456ff28aa882e8e66

There are mostly outdoor spaces in the park. The total exhibit area is about eight thousand square meters, which is approximately the size of eleven soccer fields. It requires a bit of stamina to finish the tour.

Once you see these interesting creations inside the park, it means that you can take a break and sit down to enjoy some tea, coffee and desserts.
當看到園區這個有趣的創作,表示您可以坐下來喝茶喝咖啡吃點心,休息一下。 4538c60f33616399af8bd6a92b62a69b

Familiarize yourself with the park prior to visiting.

There is a service center, and an information wall presenting you with ways to go about visiting.
有服務中心,有一整面牆,介紹參觀方式。 c8794ade8974e60646d13062c07b29b1


There is a cafe inside the center. It's quite a treat to sit down to drink some beverages and smell the coffee aroma in the art space.
中心內有咖啡坊,坐下來喝杯飲料,在藝術空間聞到咖啡香,相當享受。 6804743779cef167794692dc2f29ab6c

No worries about children getting bored, they can experience the aesthetic engagement with the sculptural art in the children's learning center "A Little Bit More Art Laboratory."
小朋友不用怕無聊,可以在兒童教學區「Art 多一點實驗室」,體會雕刻藝術的美感。 8aaf3826e6ac243b3f47e308a395c0bf


Hidden behind the shadow and wooden entrance, the restroom is as beautiful as a work of art.
洗手間美得像一件作品,藏在光影和木製大門後面。 b53e9c3e1c426dcd65b752fe77d6fb02

Downstairs are the first and second exhibit halls. At the time of our visit, the exhibits use local scenery as the main theme.
走下樓是第一展覽室和第二展覽室。我們到訪的時候,這裡的展示以地方美景為主題。 772d64b27d16dc5c0edeb109dc18237a

For instance, there are Bayan, and Bamboo Mountain in Yangmingshan.
例如八煙和陽明山的竹子山。 80c4cbc16c653478d86f814f38e7c123


The Sports Square displays various sporty creations.
運動廣場陳列各種運動造型的作品。 d0f3952e5d3c23cf55143bed066dd6a2



Continue walking forward, and there is Children's Art Center.
再往前走,有兒童藝術中心。 57b12e7a77ab8b6b4f07ef59b559cebf


The art museum puts strong emphasis on parent-child education. There is also a Children's Rhythm Classroom.
美術館很著重親子教育。還有小腳ㄚ律動教室。 3d045b316db9c2ecd417dc0526cc854a



It fosters children's ability to appreciate art at a young age and teaches them how to make their own creations through activities hosted by the camp.
從小培養小朋友藝術鑑賞能力,也透過營隊舉辦活動,教他們如何動手去做出自己的作品。 b9f9806354c2e4a7130217e12464e043



There is the Tai-chi Square.
有太極廣場。 d375b68ddbeb7b35d192063370bb0dad

There is the Main Art Museum.
有美術館本館。 16d64300d6acef8951bcf6509ea897bf


There is the Living World Square.
有人間廣場。 f499192eb96c1ee3eee35cd3c7000800

There is the Loving Mother Monument.
有慈母碑。 f09bb450c39fee0826f5456fac2cb924

There is the Science Park.
有科學園區。 b11d00cfa37d28a3aba3bfbeef201789


There is the Art Exchange Area.
有藝術交流區。 f2faeedff11610980371d33fc3443126

Finally, you can get back to the service center through the Art Corridor.
最後從藝術長廊,回到服務中心。 deb18cfd6c8fd8fdfe0ca82bae1e85f1


Ju-ming is the top sculptor in Taiwan after the war. He inherited the master sculptor Yang Ing-feng's talent.
朱銘是台灣戰後頂尖的雕刻藝術家,他傳承了雕刻大師楊英風的才華。 2a1298ccd5612c64bc612c8e772d903d

Ju-ming spent twelve years and his entire fortune building this art museum, allowing us to witness the innovative ideas of contemporary art in Taiwan.

Coming out of the exhibit hall, you can see his most abundant artwork, which is the Three Armed Services from Living World Series.
從展覽室走出來,就看到他數量最多的作品,也就是人間系列的三軍。 c39f39795baea27ac339be9c9e1e5280


There are designated exhibit areas.
有專區展示。 bf93cd4d1d0810d77a49e4988d226cd5



You can also see soldiers in different postures along the way.

The sculptures range across various styles and armed services.
有跨越各種造型和軍種的雕塑作品。 e49aba30c5d9e0bd26e770ec852ed00e





Especially at the Living World Square by the Main Art Museum, there are large Navy and Air Force sculptures, which are just magnificent!
尤其美術館本館前人間廣場,還有大型的海軍和空軍雕塑,真是壯觀! e630a331cf03cc3e8de7bec16f3bcbdf



Hidden amidst the hills, the art museum seems to be guarded by spiritual force imbued with aesthetics.
深藏在山中的美術館,似乎有一股美學的精神武力在鎮守。 a330a661c82fb0f61e311454d8a59dfc


Ju-ming's most renowned works come from the Tai-chi Series. The Tai-chi Square here is an eye opener.
朱銘最著名的作品是太極系列,這裡的太極廣場,可以讓你大開眼界。 e815a4f8d44c3163efdbb197f9864721




There are various sculpting materials such as cement, steel and even bronze symbolizing the reputation of Tai-chi.
有各種材質,水泥,鋼鐵,甚至還有銅雕,表現太極的形象。 6dd27b4da58a835e3776de7f68895172

Coming here, you can admire this artwork series in a way similar to how Ju-ming described it: "Listen to the seasonal changes and immerse yourself in the beautiful landscape of Tai-chi."

The Living World Series inside the Main Art Museum allows you to see the new style recently developed by Ju-ming: Painted Wood.
美術館本館的人間系列,可以看到朱銘近期發展出來的新形式:彩繪木雕。 9e15cefefedd8c771bc0d58c07112fcc



From the entrance to the museum inside, you can readily see the Painted Wood Collection brimming with allure .
從大門到館內的收藏,都可以看到上色的木雕,展現很特別的趣味。 92e083b1cf2815b35c0ddf0c5be723a9

Ju-ming Art Museum won a Japanese art award. Juries described the art museum as: "The healing of the 21st century through the dialogue among mountains, oceans and the sky."

You should spend some time visiting this art museum and feeling the true power in that praise.

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