Jinguashi and Yinyang Sea/金瓜石與陰陽海

When heading north on Coastal Highway 2, Shueinandong is right before the border between Northeast Coast and North Coast Scenic Areas.

You will see a castle-like dark gray building by the highway.
從公路邊就可以看到,一棟像城堡的黑灰色建築物。 02dd7bd568236abf9e2ace659f88b03b

This is the defunct Li-yue Copper Refinery owned by Taiwan Metal Mining Corp almost covering the entire mountain wall.
幾乎蓋滿整片山壁,這是台灣金屬礦業公司停工的禮樂煉銅廠。 42b47a35b2c4bfd13743514bc9b71197

Due to its 13-story height, the locals call it the Thirteen Stories.

The abandoned factory used to refine ore taken from Jinguashi Gold Mine.

Eventually costs outweighed the price of gold, and byproduct copper became the main product instead.

The route heading east is the uphill road "Jinshuei Road," meaning it can get to Shueinandong from Jinguashi.

You can park your car at the parking lot by the factory and take the shuttle bus.
你可以把車子停在廠前的停車廠,改搭接駁車。 737997319a2fd57698678c05c0297e67

Golden Waterfall


You can see a tiny portion of the Golden Waterfall at the stream by the hill road, but the real Golden Waterfall has yet to come.
山路旁的溪流,你可以看到黃金瀑布的一小部分,但是真正的黃金瀑布還沒到。 473aa8aeb6abb55105fce9730997fa72

Yin-yang Sea


There is a small route behind the factory when you go uphill along the road. It takes you to the top of the copper refinery.

You will first arrive at a portion of the flue-gas stack on your way.
路上你先看到一部分排煙道。 0fb26d83d66fb6b1d9fd209ba21df2bc


There used to be a very popular TV commercial using this as the background. The flue-gas stack became a must-see tourist spot in Jinguashi.

The New Taipei City Government still issued warnings cautioning tourists not to get too close to the flue-gas stack due to possible remnants of toxic substances discharged back in the days.

On the top of the copper refinery are the mine and ore input slots. It's evident how grand the production line was in those years.
煉銅廠最上方有礦坑和礦石輸入槽,可以想見當年生產線盛況。 ecb227925fcde05ab63b7e035654ddc6


While you are here, you can check out two different shades of the sea. This is the origin of the name Yin-yang Sea. Yin-yang in Chinese means "dark and bright."
你在這裡,已經可以清楚看到海面兩種顏色,這就是陰陽海名稱來源。「Yin-Yang」中文是陰陽。 ccb393a5b0b3d1c9068ce0bfea9b9c49

Contamination from copper refining used to be thought to have caused the two shades of the sea.
為何海水有兩種顏色,過去被認為是煉銅污染。 dad7ad88db6dc568b353b938252d29e4

It's known for certain now that the iron sulfide flowing along the stream and into the sea is the cause.

Continuing going uphill for a little bit, you'll get to see the real Golden Waterfall.
再往上走一小段,你就可以看到真正的黃金瀑布。 d7b116c223d82bbc258975b72fa9ab8a

Golden Waterfall, formed by the interaction between underground springs and the iron sulfide, isn't a part of the rivers and streams.
黃金瀑布是地下泉水和硫化鐵礦互相作用形成,不是溪流的一部分。 eb98a34fdab58e05605b975983c3a6a0


Its composition is the same as the Yin-yang Sea.

The larger the rain gets, the more splendid the waterfall becomes.
雨量越大,瀑布越壯觀。 4c3b0bf3ddc874bb0d717f64f2cbcc20


Teapot Mountain


Teapot Mountain is a must-stop when you come to Jinguashi. The shape of the mountain is a dead ringer for a teapot.
來金瓜石也要去看看茶壺山,真的長得很像一座茶壺。 b14a8cbff167d46580fa442119d9d467

You used to be able to hike the trail; however, due to an accident, you have to take the QuanJi Temple route now.
原本從步道可攀登,但因為發生過事故,現在必須走勸濟堂這條路線。 c559311a6988177d5897c18047deedb9


Just follow the signs going from Quanji Temple to the Teapot Mountain parking lot. Please be careful as the hill road is quite steep.
從勸濟堂到茶壺山停車場,跟著指標走就可以,但山路很陡很彎,千萬小心。 236a34e68b3cbe6ab690b5cb593622c8

The view here is wide, allowing you to see Yin-yang Sea from a higher location.
這裡視野非常開闊,可以從更高的位置看到陰陽海。 f7e1800c0da4ab56e893e876b7a50788


The Keelung Mountain is across from here. There is a ridge trail on such a beautiful mountain. The hiking entrance is in Jiu-fen.
還有對面的基隆山,這麼漂亮的山有稜線步道,登山口在九份。 b64ef75c3f96730d7afbd7a0dc121567

Gold Museum


Coming back to the hill road after leaving Quanji Temple, you'll arrive at Jinguashi soon.

The Gold Museum in Jinguashi is a very hot scenic spot.
金瓜石的黃金博物館,是很熱門的景點。 49f6f78b065247cf6cbcd61fca9699e6

After checking out the museum, why not take a stroll around the Jinguashi community.

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