Taichung Metropolitan Opera House/臺中國家歌劇院

Going on Taiwan Blvd toward the inner city, you will come by Shing Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store.

Make a right onto Hui-lai Road and you will see Taichung Metropolitan Opera House.
右轉惠來路,你會看到台中國家歌劇院。 9e67eee45dff6d539b67603feabcf400

With an area of 5.7 hectares, National Taichung Theater was designed by Japanese architect Toyo Ito. From whichever angle you view the curvy walls, the design is distinctive. Even the interior walls are curvy as well.

The architect conceptualized the most primitive tree houses and caves in designing the Sound Cave.
這個建築師以人類最原始的「樹屋」、「洞窟」的概念設計出美聲涵洞。 b9605c3eb935f8a31665a4d290f3dbe0

Some people refer to this architecture as one of the 9 wonders of the world. Some architectural experts commend this building for being the most challenging to construct. Discovery Channel did a documentary film on this impressive architecture.
有人說這是世界建築九大奇蹟。一些建築界專家稱讚這是全球最難蓋的房子。DISCOVERY頻台在這棟讓人印象深刻的建築做了個紀錄片。 a6efd9f42e74f49c7a79c7bfcf661a83



National Taichung Theater is located on No.101 Section 2 Hui-lai Road, Xitun District, Taichung City.

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