Taichung Cultural & Creative Industrial Park/台中文化創意產業園區

Taichung Cultural and Creative Industrial Park is near the Rear Station.

The park occupies an area of 5.6 hectares. It is similar to Taipei Hua-shan Creative Park as it used to be Taichung Winery, owned by Monopoly Bureau and established in 1916 during the Japanese colonial era.
占地有5.6公頃,和台北華山園區的情況很類似,原本是公賣局的台中酒廠,興建於日治時期的1916年。 5d30ab578e6711cee55cb36823517b8e

The winery was relocated in 1998 due to sewage and air pollution.

After a few years, the establishment was listed as a historic site by the Taichung City Government in July 2002. The old winery factory has been maintained to give testament to the historical development of Taiwan wine industry since the Japanese colonial era.

The warehouse interior is renovated to become a cafe. You can come here during leisure hours to drink some coffee and eat desserts while checking out various buildings and art and design exhibits.
原本的倉庫內部,改建成咖啡廳。你可以在悠閒時間來這裡享受,喝啡咖吃點心,看各種建築和設計藝術特展。 e3e43499a953bfcd993ca32774fc7b98




Taichung Cultural and Creative Industrial Park is located on No.362 Section 3 Fu-xing Road, South District, Taichung City.

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