Some cells have the ability to migrate long distances. 有些細胞有遷移遠距離的能力。
When the fall arrives, the birds migrate south. 這些鳥群會在秋季來臨時移居南部。
immigrate 使移居入境(指人從國外移居入鏡)
My parents immigrated to America from Taiwan when I was 10.我父母在我十歲時從台灣移居入鏡美國。(表達者應該在美國裡,因為immigrate指的是入境)
emigrate 移居外國(指人遷居國外)
My little brother emigrated to America when I was 10. 我弟在我十歲時遷居國外到美國。(表達者應該不在美國,因為emigrate指遷居國外,所以表達者應該還在他弟的母國)
transmigrate 投胎
Buddhists believe that souls transmigrate from generation to generation. 佛教徒堅信靈魂會一世世地投胎。
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