Howgger Tofu Pudding, the refined and relaxing tofu pudding place/豪哥豆花-精緻和放鬆心情的豆花店

Tofu pudding is a popular dessert originated from the days of the Chinese dynasty.

It is one of the few gourmet desserts out there that can satisfy your taste buds when served both warm and cold.

English4TW staff brings you Howgger Tofu Pudding this time.

Howgger Tofu Pudding is unique in a couple of ways. First of all, unlike the interior of a typical (and better-known) tofu pudding shop in Taiwan that's unrefined and confined, Howgger Tofu Pudding feels spacious, comfy and highly industrial.
豪哥豆花兩個地方和別家不一樣。首先,不像台灣豆花店內部裝潢大多千篇一律(包括較出名的店)都且空間狹小,豪哥豆花很寬敞,很舒適也很商業化。 b9f56ab33cd907c2878ce314a8a44563



It makes for a perfect place to enjoy some tofu pudding and have conversations.
是吃豆花聊聊天的最佳選擇。 cf3cf1be404d75a5e9ea83136470b11f

If you go to any tofu pudding shops outside Chai-yi, the soup only comes in caramel syrup flavor; however, the soup only comes in soy milk flavor in most shops in Chai-yi.

Then you come to Howgger Tofu Pudding and you all of a sudden have three options for your soup, including soy milk, shop special (caramel syrup) and brown sugar milk.
然後來豪哥吃豆花,突然卻有三種選擇,包括豆漿,招牌(糖水)和黑糖鮮奶。 e1471ce2776c26cbd06f5eff33d9d219



Each choice is drool worthy. You also have the choice of adding 3 toppings to your tofu pudding. We highly recommend their taro and sweet potatoes as we think they are delicious and nutritious!
每一種都讓人垂涎。還可以選擇三種配料加在豆花裡。特推薦芋泥球和地瓜,好吃又營養! 200f207f704f796b4b646bc68a640942


Within walking distance of Chai-yi Stadium, the shop is located on No. 312 Xing-ye East Road, across from Chai-yi City Children's Museum.

Finding a parking space nearby should be fairly easy. If you have an inclination for tofu, come to Howgger Tofu Pudding to enjoy a relaxed and refined tofu pudding experience that we guarantee you won't find elsewhere in Taiwan!

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