Cherry Trail and Cherry King in the hotel area/旅館區-櫻木花道和櫻王

Once you reach the end of Gigantic Tree Plank Trail, you are at the hotel area.

Cherry Trail is in this area. The Cherry Trail is full of tourists during the cherry blossom season in March;
櫻木花道就在這區。櫻木花道到了每年三月櫻花季,觀光客人頭鑽動; 7348fca2c46be8f6e2486015940ca8cb

however, if you don't come during March, there is the Cherry King by the work station. The 90-year-old Cherry King blossoms the earliest among all the cherry trees in A-li-shan. It still looks magnificent during non-blossom seasons.
然而如果你不是在三月來,也要看看在工作站前方的櫻王。這棵櫻王樹齡90,是阿里山每年最早開花櫻花樹。 即使沒開花,看起來也是很壯觀。 16924e79d930a6d183f4675a4d773958





Leaving Cherry Trail, we are back at the parking lot. This trip excluding the mealtime took about 3 hours.

We saw ample greenery, breathed in full of phytoncides and listened to the sounds of birds and frogs in the forest. We felt the wonders of nature and fully witnessed the beauty of A-li-shan with our senses. We left A-li-shan and came home as happy tourists!

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