Changhua Great Buddha/八卦山大佛

As a county landmark, the Great Buddha can be easily spotted. Exiting the highway or the Taiwan Railway Changhua Station, just follow road signs along the way.
身為彰化縣的地標,八卦山大佛是從高速公路或者台鐵彰化站下來,沿著路上的指標,很容易就可以找到的。 f79150a8ba298df3cd27eb4776ae9ce3

Go through the archway and go uphill along the mountain road. Going through the entrance, you'll arrive at the parking lot by the large Buddha statue.
穿越牌樓沿著山路往上走,開過入口您就會到達大佛腳下的停車場。 0a7ef518b8cda8f698a8df49e1a13497





The Great Buddha is 22 meters in height; there are many taller statues in the world, but only a few contain a museum inside.
大佛像高22公尺;全世界更高的雕像很多,但只有少數在內部裡有博物館。 f060e4b500b18f88c92718b979318f1f


There are a total of 6 stories inside the Great Buddha, but the upper floors are prohibited from entering out of religious respect for Great Buddha's divinity. The entire statue is made of cement .
大佛裡面有6層樓,但是較高的樓層因為對佛陀的尊敬而被禁止進入。大佛全部是水泥製成。 656cc05df05713038cc05a0a79c0d5d0

Walking on the narrow stairway to get from floor to floor, you'll feel like traversing inside the Buddha's body. Each visiting floor enshrines the Buddha stories in the form of sculptures.
從窄小的樓梯上一層層的走,你會覺得在佛陀的身體裡面游走。每個樓層都銘記著佛陀的故事雕塑。 a758b0f8363ad037b457063c590ad2bc




The Great Buddha is on the top of Mountain Bagua. Some say the name Bagua originated from a set of symbolic signs in Book of Changes. Bagua in Chinese pertains to the Eight Trigrams in this context.
八卦山大佛位在八卦山的山頭。有人說這名字來自於易經的一組標誌象徵,中文的八卦在這裡指的是八種三元模型。 4f0f137d8f368c5d6a562580e6450f59





In the Chinese-speaking world of entertainment, the word Bagua also means "gossip." Others say Bagua originated from a rebel group named Bagua Association during the Qing dynasty.

2 Comment(s)

  • 池池(15 Jun 2016 - 17:42)

    Rumors put it that all lovers will break out after their date at Bagua mountain, isn't it?

  • English4TW Staff(15 Jun 2016 - 18:31)

    It's very true there are similar rumors surrounding many mountains, Bagua Mountain is no exception here:)
    不錯, 有很多山都有類似的遙言, 八卦山也不例外:)

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