10 Nov Words that look similar I/看起來很像的字第一集 Undercut Vs. Undermine Vs. Underline: Undercut, 是削弱或是賣價低於...。 Costco can undercut Carre-four and RT-Mart. 好市多能賣得比家樂福和大潤發便宜。
05 Nov Describe a person's behavior/形容人的行為 Kleptomaniac, 是偷竊狂: Josh is such a kleptomaniac. He can't resist stealing little things whenever he visits his friends.Josh真是個偷竊狂。每次去朋友家, 他無法抗拒偷小東西的誘惑。
09 Jun Gaomei Wetland, a wetland with wind farms and great seafood! /有風力發電廠與超棒海鮮的濕地-高美濕地! Gao-mei Wetland is situated near Wu-qi Fishing Port, north of Port of Taichung and west of Ching-shui Coastal Plain.高美濕地位在清水海岸平原西側,台中港北邊,緊鄰梧棲漁港。
27 Jul Taitung City Outline/台東城市摘要 Tai-tung is a place with the highest tourism potential in Taiwan.台東是台灣最有觀光潛力的地方。
05 Aug Hehuan Moutain, the only mountain among the One Hundred Peaks that you can get to by road/合歡山-唯一一座公路可達的百岳 He-huan mountain summits are over 3000 meters above sea level. They are the high mountain group situated west of Ta-roko National Park. 合歡山群峰海拔都在3000公尺以上,是太魯閣國家公園西邊的高山族。