06 Mar Taiwan Snack Shop, where you feast on snacks! /「台灣小吃」,在小吃店吃大餐! Taiwan Snack Shop is the place English4TW team brings you this time. 「台灣小吃」是我們台灣美語通團隊這次要帶給你的地方。
06 Mar Kenting Street/墾丁大街 Kenting Street is a portion of the street located between Kenting National Park and Caesar Park Hotel. 墾丁大街是墾丁國家公園到凱薩飯店之間的道路的一段。
05 Mar Banana New Paradise Restaurant/香蕉新樂園 Going along Taiwan Blvd, you'll notice many newly established buildings. 沿著台灣大道走, 你會注意到沿路新建的高樓。