09 Aug Northern Cross-Island Highway and Dongyan Mountain/北橫與東眼山 Northern Cross-Island Highway has been open since the Japanese colonial era, passing through Xue-shan Range from Jiao-ban-shan all the way to San-xing, Yi-lan.北部橫貫公路在日治時代就已經開闢,從角板山一直到宜蘭的三星,穿越雪山山脈。
17 Jun Taoyuan Summary/桃園摘要 Tao-yuan was initially the territory of Pingpu Aborigine Ketagalan.桃園原本是平埔原住民凱達格蘭族的領域。
05 Jun Daxi, a town with the glorious past/一個擁有輝煌過去的城鎮-大溪 Coming to Daxi, many may wonder why it's so easy to come across a full row of vintage Baroque-style buildings. 來到大溪,很多人可能會覺得奇怪,為何很容易就遇到一整排古老的巴洛克建築。
26 May Xiao Wulai Scenic Area, the best of Taoyuan/小烏來風景區-桃園最棒之點 Xiao Wu-lai Scenic Area is the most alluring scenic spot along Northern Cross-Island Highway. 小烏來風景區是沿著北部橫貫公路最燦爛的景點。