31 Oct Hualien Coastal Bikeways Part Two: Stone Stairs Platform/花蓮海岸自行車道-石梯坪 The famous east coast bikeway grand tour crosses the border between Hualien and Taitung, from Shihmen, Hualien to Chang-pin, Taitung.從花蓮石門到台東長濱,跨越花東縣市交界,是著名的東海岸自行車壯遊路線。
29 Oct Hualien Coastal Bikeways Part One: The most splendid coastal highway in Taiwan/花蓮海岸自行車道1-台灣最美的海岸公路 Entering Highway 11 to leave Hua-lian City after passing through Hua-lian Bridge, you'll arrive in Yan-liao Village, Shou-feng Township in Hua-lian County.過了花蓮大橋,進入台11線,離開了花蓮市,來到花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村。
24 Oct Taroko hiking trails, where you enter a world of extraordinary creations built by nature/太魯閣的步道-走進鬼斧神工的世界 Many people use the phrase "extraordinary creations built by nature" when describing the landscape of Ta-roko.很多人用鬼斧神工來形容太魯閣風景。
29 Aug Hualien bicycle paths, where you can roam the highlands of Pacific Ocean/花蓮市自行車道-遨遊在太平洋高灘地 Some tall buildings in Hua-lian downtown area render the panorama of Hua-lian City.有的花蓮市區高樓可以一覽花蓮市全景。
12 Aug Chishingtan, where a fishing ground becomes a hot spot! /七星潭-漁場變熱門觀光景點! Chi-shing-tan is a must-see scenic spot in Hua-lian City.七星潭是花蓮市必到景點。
30 Jul Taroko, a top ten must-see scenic spot in the world/太魯閣 全球十大必遊景點 According to the British media coverage, Ta-roko is a top ten must-see tourist spot in the world. Such acclaim is not overstated at all.英國媒體報導,太魯閣是全世界十大必遊景點。這樣的稱讚一點也不誇張。