04 Jul Taipei Akihabara 3.0: Guanghua Market and Syntrend Creative Park/光華商場和三創數位生活園區-台北秋葉原3.0 With the capacity to design, provide all components and even OEM and assemble, Taiwan plays a critical role in consumer electronics products worldwide.台灣消費性電子產品在全球有關鍵地位,有能力設計產品,提供所有零組件,甚至代工和組裝。
02 Jul Tian Cai Japanese Cuisine, where the Japanese taste has been passed down in Taiwan for 60 years/添財日本料理-台灣傳承60年的日本味 There are myriad Japanese Cuisine shops in Taipei. 台北的日本料理店有無數多家。
27 Jun Xiao-kai-yue, the place of local dishes in the region of high-priced real estates/小凱悅-高房價地段的平民料理 At the foot of the hill is the "Xiao-kai-yue" restaurant that we mentioned in the Xiang-shan hiking trail article.我們象山步道的文章中,提到山腳有一家「小凱悅」餐廳。
26 Jun Fu Hang Soy Milk, where there is a long queue for the breakfast!/ 阜杭豆漿-早餐排長龍! Fu Hang Soy Milk is on the second floor of Hua-shan Market. 阜杭豆漿位在華山市場2樓。
20 Jun Black Bat Squadron Memorial Hall and Hsinchu Park/黑蝙蝠中隊文物陳列館與新竹公園 The main and rear stations of Hsinchu Station are both situated in very bustling commercial districts.新竹火車站不管是前站或後站,都是非常熱鬧的商圈。
17 Jun Pingtung Summary/屏東摘要 Pingtung County is narrow and long, stretching from south to north.屏東縣從南延伸到北窄而長。
17 Jun Kaohsiung Summary/高雄摘要 Port of Kaohsiung is the largest commercial port in Taiwan. It had the third largest throughput capacity in the world back in 1993.高雄港是台灣最大商港。1993年吞吐量排名全世界第3。
17 Jun Alishan Summary/阿里山摘要 A-li-shan, where you can find gigantic Taiwan Red Cypress Trees in the misty clouds!阿里山 - 發現雲端迷霧中台灣紅檜巨木!
17 Jun Chiayi Summary/嘉義摘要 Chai-yi city was the distribution hub for A-li-shan logging during the past prosperity of the logging industry.過去木材工業興盛時,嘉義曾經是阿里山木材集散中心。
17 Jun Changhua Summary/彰化摘要 Despite being the smallest county and relatively unknown, Changhua County is one of the most populous counties in Taiwan. 彰化縣雖然是台灣最小的縣而相較下為人不知,卻也是台灣人口密度最高的一縣之ㄧ。
17 Jun Nantou Summary/南投摘要 There is an inland city in Formosa Island. That's Nantou, the only city not adjacent to an ocean.台灣島也有一個「內陸」城市。就是南投,台灣惟一沒有靠海的城市。
17 Jun Taichung Summary/台中摘要 Located at the center of Taiwan, Taichung is a core city attracting consumers from neighboring cities and counties, such as Changhua, Nantou and more. 台中位在台灣中心,也是吸引鄰近縣市前來消費的核心城市。例如彰化和南投等地方。
17 Jun Hsinchu Summary/新竹摘要 Hsinchu is an energy city putting wind and sand to good use and transforming them into a gold mine.新竹是能量城市,善加利用風與砂轉變成金礦。